Dr. Carlos Acha
Associate Professor UBA
CONICET Principal Researcher


Field of Interest:
Condensed Matter - High pressure effects - Phase transitions, transport and magnetic properties in superconductors, manganites and other related oxides – Memory effects in metal-oxide interfaces.

Publications: 1990 - 1994    1995 - 1999     2000 - 2004    2005 - 2009     2010 - 2014     2015 - 2019     2020 - 2024    Most relevant!

Education & Professional Experience:
Liceo Franco-Argentino "Jean Mermoz", Buenos Aires, 1970-1980.
Mscin Physics, University of Buenos Aires, 1988.
Phdin Physics, University of Buenos Aires, 1993.
Postdoc. CRTBT (Néel Institut) - CNRS, Grenoble-France, 1995-1997.
Adjoin Researcher, CONICET, 1997-2001.
Assistant Professor, University of Buenos Aires, 1998-2007.
Assistant Researcher, CONICET, 2001-2007.
Invited Researcher, CRTBT (CNRS), Grenoble-France, Jan-April 2003.
Independent Researcher, CONICET, 2007-2020.
Associate Professor, University of Buenos Aires, 2007-
Director of the “Low temperature physics lab”, FCEyN, UBA, 2010-

Arcoiris Erasmus Researcher, LMGP – INP Grenoble, May-June 2013.

Principal Researcher, CONICET, 2020-

Teaching experimental physics:
Laboratorio 1 (Introduction to experimental physics Lab)
Laboratorio 3  (Electricity & Magnetisms Lab)
Laboratorio 4  (Introductory course to advanced Lab. activities.)
Laboratorio 5 (Nuclear, Modern and Condensed Matter Physics Lab.)

Other Academic Activities (spanish only):
Within the Phys. Dep. - FCEyN - UBA.
Others: Portal de física par@Educ.ar.

Technical Developments:
Within the Phys. Dep. - FCEyN - UBA.
Awards and Developments.

Media outreach:
Magazines and newspapers.



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Faculty of Science

Physics Department

Low Temperature Lab


Lab. de Bajas Temperaturas 
Depto. de Fisica - FCEyN - UBA
Ciudad Universitaria, PAB I 
(C1428EHA) Buenos Aires 

(54-11) 4576-3300/09  ext 276  (lab)
             4576-3390/09   ext 831 (off)

(54-11) 4576-3357