Field intensification. Example 2.

Efficiency |R0(θ)|2 corresponding to the specularly reflected order and for different values of h/d in the range 0.005–0.030. These curves now exhibit maxima near the angle of incidence, for which resonant coupling with ESWs is expected.
Map of |R0(θ)|2 as a function of θ and h/d. When h/d is increased, the maximum value in the efficiency reaches larger values. Particularly, for h/d=0.07, the weak corrugateed surface reflect 80 % of the incident power.
Map |R-1(θ)| as a function of θ and h/d. The amplitude of the evanescent order, which is phase matched with the ESW, takes a maximum value for h/d=0.0231. Although for greater values of h/d than this value the coupling efficiency decreases, the ESW effects are manifested in the specularly reflectivity with an enhancement maximum value.
