program schrodinger c...... Solves the time-independent Schrodinger equation c...... for a potential box. Uses simple finite differences c by Dario Mitnik implicit real*8(a-h,o-z) c....... initial values print*,' give the number of grid points' read*,npts c....... Potential Box print*,' give the size D of the potential box (-D/2 to D/2)' read*,d print*,' give the depth V0 of the potential well' read*,V0 c......... Initial Points print*,' give the initial value of the wavefunction P(0) ' read*,p00 print*,' give the initial value of the derivative at 0 Y(0) ' read*,y00 100 open(unit=10,file='wave.dat',status='unknown') print*,' guess initial energy value' read*,Ener p0 = p00 y0 = y00 c...... Other values dx = D/(2*npts) c...... initial point P(1) p1 = p0 + dx*y0 write(10,55) dx-dx,p0 write(10,55) dx,p1 55 format(2(1x,1pg14.4)) c...... Solving the Schrodinger Equation do 200 i=2,npts*15 V = V0 if (i*dx.le.D/2) V = 0.0 p = (2.0 + dx*dx*(V-Ener))*p1 - p0 write(10,55) dx*i,p p0 = p1 p1 = p 200 continue close(unit=10,status='keep') print*,' Continue? No=0' read*,icont if ( go to 100 stop end