Gaston Giribet
Physics Department, University of Buenos Aires & CONICET
Ciudad Universitaria, Pabellon 1 (1428), Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Telephone: +54-11-4576-3390.      E-mail:


GROUP SEMINARS Nov. 2005 - May. 2015
Speaker: Julio Oliva (UACh, Chile)
Title: Black Strings in Gauss-Bonnet are Unstable
Date: Wednesday, 06/05/15, 16:00hs, CCT de La Plata.
Note: Este seminario se realiza en coordinacion con la red Strings@ar, en ocasion del 62do encuentro de la red.
Speaker: Osvaldo Santillan (UBA)
Title: Superheavy hidden sectors and the vacuum energy density
Date: Thursday, 30/04/15, 15:00hs, Aula Federman, Depto. de Fisica FCEyN-UBA.
Note: Alan's therapy group.
Speaker: Guillem Perez-Nadal (UBA)
Title: Quantum field theory and the famous BF bound
Date: Thursday, 16/04/14, 15:00hs, Aula Federman, Depto. de Fisica FCEyN-UBA.
Note: Alan's therapy group.
Speaker: Alan Garbarz (UBA)
Title: Some basics on algebraic quantization, or some basics on how to compute homology on Riemann surfaces, ...
Date: Tuesday, 09/04/15, 15:00hs, Aula Federman, Depto. de Fisica FCEyN-UBA.
Note: The Alan's friends journal club, aka therapy group.
Speaker: Tommy Ohlsson (KTH, Stokholm)
Title: Non-standard neutrino interactions
Date: Tuesday, 28/04/14, 14:00hs, Aula de Seminarios, Depto. de Fisica FCEyN-UBA.
Speaker: Martin Krssak (SAIFR-ICTP, Sao Paulo)
Title: On the problem of the gravitational energy-momentum in general relativity and teleparallel gravity
Date: Tuesday, 17/03/15, 14:00hs, Aula de Seminarios, Depto. de Fisica FCEyN-UBA.
Speaker: Hernan Gonzalez (ULB, Brussels)
Title: One-loop partition function of three-dimensional flat gravity
Date: Thursday, 12/03/15, 16:00hs, Aula de Seminarios, Depto. de Fisica FCEyN-UBA.
Note: Hernan visita la UBA en el marco del convenio de cooperacion bilateral MINCyT-FNRS con Belgica..
Seminars in 2014
Speaker: Estudiantes del Depto. de Fisica FCEyN - UBA
Title: Seminarios de Cosmologia
Date: Jueves 18/12/14, 11:00hs, Aula de Seminarios, Depto. de Fisica FCEyN-UBA.
Note: Esta serie de seminarios es parte del curso de Cosmologia dictado en el Depto. de Fisica FCEyN - UBA en el segundo cuatrimestre de 2014.
Speaker: Carlos Arguelles (Sapienza, Rome, Italy)
Title: Dark matter and super massive Black Holes
Date: Tuesday, 16/12/14, 17:15hs, Aula de Seminarios, Depto. de Fisica FCEyN-UBA.
Note: Esta charla se organiza en coordinacion con el encuentro numero 61 de Strings@ar.
Speaker: Jose Edelstein (UCS, Spain)
Title: Causality constraints on corrections to the graviton 3-point coupling
Date: Tuesday 16/12/14, 16:00hs, Aula de Seminarios, Depto. de Fisica FCEyN-UBA.
Note: Esta charla se organiza en coordinacion con el encuentro numero 61 de Strings@ar. Jose Edelstein visits UBA thanks to the e-planet program.
Speaker: Stephane Detournay (ULB, Brussels, Belgium)
Title: Holographic Entanglement Entropy and Gravitational Anomalies: The Cone, The Anyon and The Ribbon
Date: Tuesday, 16/12/14, 14:00hs, Aula de Seminarios, Depto. de Fisica FCEyN-UBA.
Note: Esta charla se organiza en coordinacion con el encuentro numero 61 de Strings@ar. Stephane Detournay visits UBA in relation to the FNRS-MINCyT cooperation grant.
Speaker: Julio Oliva (UACh, Valdivia, Chile)
Title: Thermal properties of black holes with conformal scalars
Date: Tuesday, 16/12/14, 11:30hs, Aula de Seminarios, Depto. de Fisica FCEyN-UBA.
Note: Esta charla se organiza en coordinacion con el encuentro numero 61 de Strings@ar.
Speaker: Max Banados, Olivera Miskovic, Jorge Zanelli, among others
Title: Chilan Gravity Workshop in Buenos Aires
Date: 20/11/14 - 21/11/14, 09:00hs - 17:00hs, Aula Federman, Depto. de Fisica FCEyN-UBA.
Note: This workshop has been organized in cooperation with the colleagues of Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Valparaiso, Olivera Miskovic and Remi Durka.
Speaker: Leonardo Pellizza (UNLP)
Title: Seminar on Cosmology IV: On reionization
Date: Jueves 06 de noviembre, 14:00hs, Aula Federman, Depto. de Fisica FCEyN-UBA.
Note: Clase especial del curso de Introduccion a la Cosmologia.
Speaker: Hernan Wahlberg (UNLP)
Title: Seminar on Cosmology III: On Cosmic Rays
Date: Jueves 30 de octubre, 14:00hs, Aula de Federman, Depto. de Fisica FCEyN-UBA.
Note: Clase especial del curso Introduccion a la Cosmologia.
Speaker: Nicolas Grandi (UNLP)
Title: Seminar on Cosmology II: On String Cosmology
Date: Jueves 23 de octubre, 14:00hs, Aula Federman, Depto. de Fisica FCEyN-UBA.
Note: Clase especial del curso Introduccion a la Cosmologia.
Speaker: Milva Orsaria (FCAGLP-UNLP)
Title: Massive Neutron Stars: what is the inner core made of?
Date: Miercoles 29 de octubre, 14:30hs, Aula Federman, Depto. de Fisica FCEyN-UBA.
Speaker: Susana Landau (IFIBA)
Title: Seminar on Cosmology I: On Baryon Acoustic Oscillation
Date: Lunes 20 de octubre, 14:00hs, Aula de Seminarios, Depto. de Fisica FCEyN-UBA.
Note: Clase especial del curso Introduccion a la Cosmologia.
Speaker: Alan Garbarz (UBA and UNLP)
Title: Everything you always wanted to know about the Unruh effect but were afraid to ask II
Date: Miercoles 8 de octubre, 14:30hs, Aula Federman, Depto. de Fisica FCEyN-UBA.
Note: Segunda parte de Alan sobre el efecto Unruh, la Algebraic Field Theory formulation.
Speaker: Alan Garbarz (UBA and UNLP)
Title: Everything you always wanted to know about the Unruh effect but were afraid to ask I
Date: Viernes 3 de octubre, 14:30hs, Aula Federman, Depto. de Fisica FCEyN-UBA.
Note: Caripela available at
Speaker: Adolfo Toloza (CECs y PUCV, Chile)
Title: Static Black Hole solution in Einstein-Cartan-Holst-Dirac theory in 3+1 dimensions
Date: Viernes 19 de septiembre, 14:30hs, Aula Federman, Depto. de Fisica FCEyN-UBA.
Note: Este seminario se llevara a cabo en el aula Federman, no en el aula de seminarios como es usual.
Speaker: Mauricio Leston (IAFE)
Title: Instantons and non-perturbative ambiguity I/V
Date: Miercoles 17 de septiembre, 14:30hs, Aula de Seminarios, Depto. de Fisica FCEyN-UBA.
Note: Ahora si, ... con ustedes, Leston.
Speaker: Gabriel Catren (Universite de Paris Diderot, France)
Title: On the relation between gauge symmetries and phase symmetries
Date: Viernes 15 de agosto, 15:00hs, Aula de Seminarios del IAFE.
Speaker: Diego Hofman (UvA, Amsterdam)
Title: Warped Conformal Field Theory and Non-AdS holography
Date: Lunes 04 de agosto, 15:00hs, Aula de Seminarios, Depto. de Fisica FCEyN-UBA.
Note: Diego Hofman visita la UBA en el marco del Programa de Profesores Visitantes del Depto. de Fisica de la FCEyN-UBA.
Speaker: Mauricio Leston (IAFE)
Title: On the relation between Wilsonian renormalization group and Callan-Symanzik equation
Date: Lunes 28 de julio, 15:00hs, Aula de Seminarios, Depto. de Fisica FCEyN-UBA.
Note: Epifanias sobre RG :)
Speaker: Nicolas Grandi (UNLP)
Title:  Fermionic instabilities in holographic Fermi liquids
Date: Lunes 21 de julio, 15:00hs, Aula de Seminarios, Depto. de Fisica FCEyN-UBA.
Note: Nicolas Grandi, le Chef.
Speaker: Julio Oliva (UACh, Valdivia, Chile)
Title:  Black holes, scalar fields, and conformal couplings
Date: Viernes 18 de julio, 14:00hs, Aula de Seminarios, Depto. de Fisica FCEyN-UBA.
Note: arXiv:1401.4987
Speaker: Mariano Chernicoff (UNAM, Mexico DF)
Title:  Holographic EPR pairs, wormholes and radiation
Date: Lunes 14 de julio, 15:00hs, Aula de Seminarios, Depto. de Fisica FCEyN-UBA.
Note: Mariano Chernicoff visita la UBA en el marco de la beca Cesar Milstein que le fuera otorgada por el MINCyT.
Speaker: Arturo Gomez (UAI, Vinna del Mar, Chile)
Title: Gribov copies, non-perturbative propagators and confinement
Date: Viernes 11 de julio, 14:00hs, Aula de Seminarios, Depto. de Fisica FCEyN-UBA.
Note: Arturo Gomez nos visita entre el 9/7/14 y el 11/7/14.
Speaker: Julio Oliva (UACh, Valdivia, Chile)
Title:  A deformation prescription for gauge theories and higher derivative Chern-Simons extensions
Date: Martes 8 de julio de 2014, en CCT-La Plata; calle 8 Nro. 1467, desde las 9:50hs.
Note: El seminario de Julio Oliva se enmarca en el 58 encuentro de la red Strings@ar.
Speaker: Gaston Giribet (UBA)
Title:  BTZ black holes with propagating degrees of freedom
Date: Martes 8 de julio de 2014, en CCT-La Plata; calle 8 Nro. 1467, desde las 9:50hs :o
Note: Este seminario, al igual que el de Julio Oliva, se enmarca en el 58 encuentro de la red Strings@ar.
Speaker: Guillermo Silva (UNLP)
Title:  Matrix models and large N
Date: Lunes 09 de junio de 15:00hs. Aula de seminarios, depto. de Fisica FCEyN-UBA.
Note: Guille is in the house!
Speaker: Jose J. Fernandez-Melgarejo (Murcia, Spain)
Title:  Multicenter solutions in N=2 D=4 SUGRA
Date: Lunes 02 de junio, en la sede de la calle 8 de La Plata.
Note: Este seminario se realizara en coordinacion con el encuentro de la red Strings@ar, en La Plata.
Speaker: Mauricio Leston (IAFE)
Title:  Euclidean path integral about AdS3 and the partition function of the Ising model
Date: Lunes 26 de mayo de 15:00hs. Aula de seminarios, depto. de Fisica FCEyN-UBA.
Note: A discussion on the viability of 2+1D quantum gravity for small c. Check arXiv:1111.1987, cf. arXiv:0712.0155.
Speaker: Gaston Giribet (UBA)
Title:  Can Quantum Liouville Description of 2+1 Reality be Considered Complete?
Date: Lunes 19 de mayo de 15:00hs. Aula de seminarios, depto. de Fisica FCEyN-UBA.
Note: Random thoughts.
Speaker: Martin Schvellinger (IFLP and UNLP)
Title:  Quarks and strings: the hadron structure
Date: Lunes 12 de mayo de 15:00hs. Aula de seminarios, depto. de Fisica FCEyN-UBA.
Note: Martin's lecture on AdS/QCD and related topics.
Speaker: Remigiusz Durka (PUCV, Chile and University of Wroclaw, Poland)
Title:  MacDowell-Mansouri scheme in BF theories, supergravity and black hole thermodynamics
Date: Jueves 08 de mayo 2014, 15:45hs, Aula de seminarios, depto. de Fisica FCEyN-UBA.
Note: Remigiusz nos visitara por un par de dias de mayo.
Speaker: Jose Edelstein (USC, Spain)
Title:  Quantum theory and relativity: A love story
Date: Thursday 24/04/14, 14:00hs, Aula de Seminarios DF-FCEN-UBA.
Note: Se tratara de un Coloquio del Departamento de Fisica.
Speaker: Gaston Giribet (UBA)
Title:  Liouville strings in Anti-de Sitter space
Date: Lunes 7 de abril 15hs.
Note: A proof of a conjecture about the maximally winding violating string amplitudes in AdS3.
Speaker: G. Catren, S. Dain, R. Ferraro, R. Gambini, A. Garbarz, A. Goya, M. Leston, C. Nunez, G. Perez-Nadal, and J. Zanelli
Title:  Workshop on Geometric Structure of Space-time
Date: Jueves 27 y Viernes 28 de marzo, 10:00hs - 17:00hs. Aula de seminarios del IAFE.
Note: Se trata de un workshop informal, que puede considerarse como la cuarta edicion del Workshop on String Theory, Gravity and Fields.
Speaker: Matias Leoni (UBA)
Title:  On the ABJM four-point amplitude at three-loops and BDS exponentiation
Date: Mircoles 19 de marzo de 2014, 14:00hs.
Note: Check arXiv:1403.3398
Speaker: Andres Goya (UBA)
Title:  Logarithmic AdS Waves and Zwei-Dreibein Gravity
Date: Lunes 17/03/14, 14:30hs. Pecera del Depto. de Fisica.
Note: Take a look at arXiv:1401.5386.
Speaker: Alejandro Perez (Aix-Marseille Universite', France)
Title:  Black hole entropy and quantum geometry
Date: Lunes 24/02/14, 14hs. Aula de seminarios del Depto. de Fisica.
Note: Alejandro Perez visitara nuestro Departamento y el IAFE por unos dias de febrero.
Speaker: Claude Roger (Universite' Lyon I, France)
Title:  Some results on the Miura transformation when the operator depends on time
Date: Miercoles 12/02/14, 14hs. Aula de seminarios del Depto. de Fisica.
Note: Claude Roger nos visitara durante una semana de febrero.
Seminars in 2013
Speaker: Julio Oliva (UACh, Chile)
Title:  Asymptotically AdS and flat black holes in Horndeski's theories
Date: Martes 17/12/13, 11hs. Aula de seminarios del Depto. de Fisica.
Note: Julio nos visitara en la semana del 17/12/13 al 24/12/13.
Speaker: Nathalie Deruelle (Paris 7, France)
Title:  Hamiltonian formulation of f(Riemann) theories of gravity
Date: Miercoles 11/12/13, 14hs. Aula de seminarios del IAFE.
Note: Agradecemos a Rafael Ferraro por haber organizado este seminario.
Speaker: Fabrizio Canfora (CECs, Chile)
Title:  Non-linear superposition law and Skyrme crystals
Date: Jueves 05/12/13, 12:15hs, Aula de Seminarios, Depto. de Fisica.
Note: Este seminario ha sido reprogramado; originalmente estaba programado para el viernes 6 pero lo hemos corrido al jueves 5.
Speaker: Patricia Ritter (CECs, Chile)
Title:  Lie 2-algebra models
Date: Jueves 05/12/13, 11hs. Aula de Seminarios del Depto. de Fisica, FCEyN-UBA.
Note: Patricia nos visitara por una semana en diciembre.
Speaker: Fabrizio Canfora (CECs, Chile)
Title:  Casimir energy in the Gribov-Zwanziger approach to QCD
Date: Lunes 02/12/13, 15hs. Aula de Seminarios, Depto. de Fisica FCEyN-UBA.
Note: Fabrizio nos visitara por una semana en diciembre.
Speaker: Juan Maldacena (IAS, Princeton)
Title:  Geometry and entanglement
Date: Miercoles 13/11/13. 15hs. Aula a confirmar.
Note: ... and other topics.
Speaker: Jan Rosseel (Vienna University of Technology, Austria)
Title:  3D Newton-Cartan supergravity
Date: Viernes 01/11/13, 16:00hs. Aula de seminarios del IAFE.
Note: Este seminario se realiza en coordinacion con el encuentro 55 de la red strings@ar
Speaker: Daniel Grumiller (Vienna University of Technology, Austria)
Title:  Flat space holography in three dimensions
Date: Viernes 01/11/13, 14:30hs. Aula de seminarios del IAFE.
Note: Este seminario se realiza en coordinacion con el encuentro 55 de la red strings@ar
Speaker: Eric Bergshoeff (University of Groningen, Holanda)
Title:  An update of Massive Gravity
Date: Viernes 01/11/13, 10:00hs. Aula de seminarios del IAFE.
Note: Este seminario se realiza en coordinacion con el encuentro 55 de la red strings@ar
Speaker: Daniel Lopez-Fogliani (UBA & CONICET)
Title:  Higgs and beyond standard model
Date: Jueves 31/10/13. 14hs, aula de seminarios del depto. de fisica.
Note: Esta charla corresponde, en realidad, al Coloquio del Departamento de Fisica de esa semana.
Speaker: Gaston Giribet (UBA)
Title:  Gravitational theory from dimensionally extended topological invariants
Date: Miercoles 23/10/13, 14:00hs. Aula 7 del Pabellon I.
Note: Este seminario pertenece, en realidad, al seminario del grupo de topologia algebraica del depto. de matematica FCEN-UBA.
Speaker: Oscar Hernandez (Westmount, Canada)
Title:  How to See the Dark: Signatures of strings and other things in the 21 cm radiation from high redshift hydrogen
Date: Miercoles 31/07/13, 14hs. Aula de Seminarios del Depto. de Fisica.
Note: On related work check arXiv:1203.2307, arXiv:1104.3337, arXiv:1006.2514
Speaker: A. Falkowski, D. Lopez-Fogliani, Y. Mambrini, R. Piegaia, and others
Title: 3rd Workshop on String Theory, Gravity and Field Theory: Phenomenology beyond Standard Model in the LHC era
Date: Lunes 13 y Martes 14 de mayo, 10hs, Aula de Seminarios del Depto. de Fisica FCEN-UBA.
Note: This is the third edition of the Workshop. The first and second edition was held at IAFE-CONICET and FCEN-UBA respectively. This edition is organized by A. Falkowski, G. Giribet, N. Grandi, D. Lopez-Fogliani, and Y. Mambrini.
Speaker: Nelson Merino (PUCV, Chile)
Title:  Expansion methods and Bianchi algebras
Date: Lunes 20/05/13, 14hs. Aula de Seminarios del Depto. de Fisica.
Note: Nelson's talk will be based on arXiv:math-ph/1104.3541
Speaker: Luis Chimento (UBA)
Title:  Interacciones lineales y no-lineales en cosmologia FRW
Date: Viernes 12/04/13, 16hs, Aula Federman del Depto. de Fisica FCEN-UBA.
Note: Notese que esta charla se llevara a cabo en el horario no habitual de las 16hs y en eula Federman, del primer piso.
Speaker: Walter Baron (UNLP)
Title:  Holographic thermalization
Date: Martes 09/04/13, 14hs, Aula de Seminarios, Depto. de Fisica FCEN-UBA.
Note: Basado en resultados de arXiv:1212.5234.
Speaker: Jorge Russo (ICREA - Univ. de Barcelona, Spain)
Title:  Wilson loops y series de perturbaciones en teorias de Yang-Mills supersimetricas
Date: Miercoles 03/04/13, 14hs, Aula de Seminarios, Depto. de Fisica FCEN-UBA.
Note: Jorge Russo visitara nuestro Departamento por unos dias de marzo y abril.
Speaker: Hideki Maeda (Rikkyo University, Japan)
Title:  Gauss-Bonnet braneworld redux: A novel scenario for the bouncing universe
Date: Lunes 18/03/13, 15hs, Aula de Seminarios, Depto. de Fisica FCEN-UBA.
Note: Hideki visitara nuestro depto. por un par de dias de marzo.
Speaker: Vladimir Kazakov (Ecole Normale Superieure, Paris VI)
Title:  Hirota dynamics of quantum integrability in spin chains, 2D sigma models and AdS/CFT
Date: Martes 12/03/13, 14hs, Aula de Seminarios, Depto. de Fisica FCEN-UBA.
Note: Vladimir Kazakov estara visitando nuestro depto. los dias 12 y 13 de marzo.
Speaker: Daniel Sudarsky (UNAM, Mexico)
Title:  The inflationary origin of the seeds of cosmic structure: Quantum theory and the need for novel physics
Date: Virnes 22/02/13, 14hs, Aula de Seminarios, Depto. de Fisica FCEN-UBA.
Note: Daniel visitara el depto. de fisica por un par de dias en febrero.
Speaker: Julio Oliva (UACh Chile - UBA Argentina)
Title: On pp-waves
Date: Lunes 18/02/13, 15hs, Aula de Seminarios, Depto. de Fisica FCEN-UBA.
Note: Journal club on pp-waves.
Seminars in 2012
Speaker: Alfredo Iorio (Charles University, Czech Rep.)
Title: The HEP-TH zoo on graphene. First steps: the Hawking-Unruh effect
Date: Miercoles 12 de diciembre, 16hs, Aula de Seminarios, Depto. de Fisica FCEN-UBA.
Note: Alfredo Iorio will be visiting UBA in December 2012.
Speaker: Mauricio Valenzuela (UACh, Chile)
Title: Higher spin Chern-Simons theory, anyon statistics and SL(N) symmetry
Date: Lunes 10 de diciembre, 14hs, Aula de Seminarios, Depto. de Fisica FCEN-UBA.
Note: Mauricio Valenzuela will be visiting UBA between Dec. 5th and Dec. 11th, 2012.
Speaker: Per Sundell (UNAB Chile and Mons Belgium)
Title: Higher Spin Amplitudes from Zero Form Charges
Date: Viernes 7 de diciembre, 14hs, Aula Federman, Depto. de Fisica FCEN-UBA.
Note: Per Sundell will be visiting UBA between Dec. 5th and Dec. 11th, 2012.
Speaker: Paolo Benincasa (USC, Spain)
Title: A holographic perspective on the heavy baryon density regime in field theories at strong coupling
Date: 21 de noviembre, 14hs, Aula de seminarios, Depto. de Fisica FCEN-UBA.
Note: Paolo will be visiting UBA in November-December 2012.
Speaker: Juan Pablo Babaro (UBA)
Title: Non-rational conformal field theories formulated on manifolds with non-trivial topology
Date: Martes 23 de octubre, 11hs, Aula de Seminarios, Depto. de Fisica FCEN-UBA.
Note: This is the defense of Juan Pablo's PhD thesis.
Speaker: M. Banados, A. Goya, M. Hassaine, M. Leoni, M. Leston, O. Miskovic, J. Oliva, I. Salazar, G. Tallarita, J. Zanelli
Title: 2nd Workshop on String Theory, Gravity and Field Theory: A journey with Cher and Simons
Date: Martes 16 y Miercoles 17 de octubre, 10hs, Aula de Seminarios (16/10) y Aula Federman (17/10). Depto. de Fisica FCEN-UBA.
Note: This is the second edition of the Workshop. The first edition was held at IAFE in August 2011. This second edition was organized by A. garbarz, G. Giribet, N. Grandi, and M. Leoni.
Speaker: Juan Pablo Babaro (UBA)
Title: A family of non-rational conformal field theories formulated on manifolds of non-trivial topology
Date: Viernes 12 de octubre, 14hs. Aula de seminarios, Depto. de Fisica FCEN-UBA.
Note: Preguntas inquisitoriales son bienvenidas :)
Speaker: Daniel Lopez-Fogliani (IFIBA-CONICET)
Title: The decay rates of the Higgs boson as a key to new physics
Date: Martes 11 de septiembre, 14hs, Aula de seminarios, Depto. de Fisica FCEN-UBA.
Note: A partir de agosto de 2012 Daniel se une al Departamento como investigador del CONICET con lugar de trabajo en el IFIBA. Welcome back.
Speaker: Mauricio Leston (IAFE, CONICET-UBA)
Title: Facing three different kinds of divergences in order to give a non-perturbative definition of \phi^4 in 1+1 dimensions
Date: Jueves 6 de septiembre, 16hs (a confirmar). Aula de seminarios, Depto. de Fisica FCEN-UBA.
Note: Esta semana tendremos dos seminarios.
Speaker: Julio Oliva (UACh-Chile y UBA-Argentina)
Title: Exact solutions of conformal gravity and scalar fields conformally coupled in various dimensions
Date: Martes 4 de septiembre, 15hs. Aula de seminarios, Depto. de Fisica FCEN-UBA.
Note: This week we have two seminars; Julio's seminar on Tuesday and Mauricio's seminar on Thursday.
Speaker: Alexander Zhiboedov (Princeton)
Title: Unitary constraints in CFT
Date: Jueves 23 de Agosto de 2012, 15:00hs. Aula de Seminarios del Depto. de Fisica FCEN-UBA.
Note: Informal seminar to expand Alexander's talk in the last strings@ar meeting.
Speaker: Juan Maldacena (IAS, Princeton)
Title: La dualidad entre teorias cuanticas y la gravedad
Date: Martes y Jueves de Junio y Agosto de 2012, 10:00hs; comienza el 7 de Junio. Aula de seminarios, Depto. de Fisica FCEN-UBA.
Note: El curso de Juan M. Maldacena se enmarca en el programa de profesores invitados al Depto. de Fisica FCEN-UBA.
Speaker: Rodrigo Olea (UNAB, Santiago de Chile)
Title: Holographic Renormalization and AdS/CFT
Date: Lunes 4, Miercoles 6, y Viernes 8 de Junio de 2012, 13:30hs. Aula de Seminarios del Depto. de Fisica FCEN-UBA.
Note: Rodrigo Olea es Profersor de la Universidad Andres Bello, de Chile, y visitara la UBA por una semana de Junio de 2012.
Speaker: Juan Maldacena (IAS, Princeton)
Title: Restringiendo teorias de campos con simetrias de spin mayor que dos
Date: Martes 05/06/12, 14:30hs. Aula de Seminarios, Depto. de Fisica FCEN-UBA.
Note: Juan M. Maldacena visita la UBA en el marco del programa de profesores visitantes.
Speaker: Carlos Andres Cardona (IAFE - CONICET)
Title: On Correlation Functions of Large Spin Operators and Null Polygonal Wilson Loops
Date: Martes 29/05/12, 14:30hs. Aula a confirmar.
Note: To be confirmed.
Speaker: Susana Landau (UBA - CONICET)
Title: Constraining quantum collapse models with CMB data
Date: Miercoles 23/05/12, 14:30hs. Aula a confirmar.
Note: To be confirmed.
Speaker: Matias Leoni (UBA - CONICET)
Title: Motivating Wilson loops
Date: Martes 15/05/12, 14:30hs. Aula de seminarios, depto. de fisica.
Note: On Wilson loops and its applications.
Speaker: Mauricio Leston (IAFE - CONICET)
Title: Logarithmic CFT and Topologically Massive Gravity at the chiral point
Date: Martes 08/05/12, 14:30hs. Aula a seminarios, Depto. de Fisica.
Note: Notese que desde esta semana los seminarios serian los martes.
Speaker: Nicolas Grandi (UNLP - CONICET)
Title: La gravedad masiva y las inestabilidades en teorias con derivadas mas altas
Date: Miercoles 02/05/12, 14:30hs. Aula a confirmar.
Note: Continuing with the jounral club on massive gravity models.
Speaker: Minas Tsoukalas (CECs, Chile)
Title: Conformally coupled scalar fields in higher dimensions: nontrivial vacua, instantons, and a generalization of the Yamabe problem
Date: Miercoles 25/04/12, 14:30hs. Aula de seminarios, depto. de fisica FCEN-UBA.
Note: Based on a work in progress.
Speaker: Diego Correa (CONICET - UNLP)
Title: Potencial quark-antiquark en N=4 super Yang-Mills
Date: Miercoles 04/04/12, 14:30hs. Aula Federman, primer piso, pabellon I, Ciudad Universitaria.
Note: Take a glance at arXiv:1203.1913, arXiv:1203.1019, and arXiv:1202.4455.
Speaker: Gaston Giribet (CONICET - UBA)
Title: Reconsidering Critical Gravity at the level of its exact solutions
Date: Miercoles 28/03/12, 14:30hs. Aula a confirmar; probablemente la pecera.
Note: A jounral club on arXiv:1101.1971, as a continuation of Andres' talk.
Speaker: Alan Garbarz (CONICET - UBA)
Title: Gravity in 2+1 dimensions and AdS/CFT
Date: jueves 22/03/12, Aula de Seminarios, DF-FCEN-UBA.
Note: This is Alan's PhD thesis defense.
Speaker: Francisco Correa (CECS, Valdivia)
Title: Self-isospectral tri-supersymmetry in PT-symmetric quantum systems with pure imaginary periodicity
Date: martes 13/03/12, 14:30hs, Aula de Seminarios, DF-FCEN-UBA.
Note: Esta semana el seminario se llevara a cabo el martes ya que tenemos, ademas, una defensa de tesis el miercoles 14/03.
Speaker: Guillem Perez-Nadal (ANPCyT - UBA)
Title:  On the 4D realization of the so-called New Massive Gravity
Date: miercoles 07/03/12, 14:30hs. Aula de Seminarios, DF-FCEN-UBA.
Note: Jounral club on the recent arXiv:1202.1501.
Speaker: Xian Otero Camanho (USC, Galicia)
Title: Bubble nucleation and thermodynamics in Lovelock gravity
Date: miercoles 29/02/12, 14:30hs. Aula de Seminarios, DF-FCEN-UBA.
Note: Xian is visiting UBA between 22/02/12 and 22/03/12.
Speaker: Leonardo Amarilla (CONICET - UBA)
Title: Rotating black holes as particle acelerators
Date: miercoles 22/02/12, 16:15 hs. Pecera del Depto. de Fisica, FCEN-UBA.
Note: Journal club on the saga: arXiv:0909.0169, arXiv:0911.2243, arXiv:0911.3363, and references thereof.
Speaker: Andres F. Goya (CONICET - UBA)
Title: On Critical Gravity in D=4 dimensions
Date: miercoles 15/02/12, Aula de Seminarios, DF-FCEN-UBA.
Note: Journal club on arXiv:1101.1971 and its sequels.
Speaker: Gaston Giribet (CONICET)
Title: Lifshitz black holes do not ring, but ...
Date:miercoles 08/02/12, Aula de Seminarios, DF-FCEN-UBA.
Note: Journal club on arXiv:1201.4521 and on a forthcoming enmienda.
Seminars in 2011
Speaker: Andres F. Goya (FCEN-UBA)
Title: Holographic renormalization and non-Einstein spaces in massive gravity
Date: miercoles 28/12/11, time to be confirmed. This is actually Andres' MSc Thesis defense.
Speaker: Mauricio Leston (IAFE)
Title: Una QFT interactuante como Dios manda
Date: miercoles 23/11/11, 14hs en la Pecera del DF-FCEN-UBA.
Speaker: Ernesto Eiroa (IAFE-CONICET)
Title: Thin shells in Einstein-Born-Infeld theory
Date: martes 22/11/11, 14hs, pecera II del DF-FCEN-UBA.
Speaker: Daniel Lopez-Fogliani (Paris-Sud XI, France)
Title: The \mu \nu SSM: Dark Matter, neutrino physics, and signals at the LHC
Date: martes 15/11/11, 14hs, pecera II del DF-FCEN-UBA.
Speaker: Bertha Cuadros-Melgar (CONICET)
Title: Massive Healthy Horava Lifshitz gravity
Date: martes 08/11/11, 14hs, pecera II del DF-FCEN-UBA.
Speaker: Leonardo Amarilla (UBA & CONICET)
Title: On Penrose process and superradiance
Date: martes 01/11/11, 14hs, pecera II del DF-FCEN-UBA.
Speaker: Gaston Giribet (CONICET)
Title: On timelike Liouville three-point function
Date: martes 25/10/11, 15hs, pecera II del DF-FCEN-UBA.
Speaker: Andrea Del Valle (FCEN - UBA)
Title: Holography and Lifshitz fixed points in 1+1 dimensions
Date: martes 20/09/11, 15hs; pecera II del Depto. de Fisica.
Speaker: D. Blas, B. Cuadros-Melgar, A. Garbarz, A. Giacomini, D. Lopez-Nacir, C. Nunez, J. Oliva, S. Ray, J. Russo, M. Schvellinger, L. Trombetta
Title: Workshop on String Theory, Gravity, and Fields
Date: August 24 - August 25, 2011, the talks will be held at the seminar room of IAFE
Note: The workshop is organized by our group in cooperation with Strings@ar. Special thanks to Nico Grandi!
Speaker: Gaston Giribet (UBA)
Title: De los Agujeros Negros a la Teoria de Cuerdas
Date: Viernes 29/07/11, 19:00hs; stand del CONICET en Tecnopolis.
Note: Conferencia en la megamuestra Tecnopolis, Av. Constituyentes y Av. Gral Paz.
Speaker: Gabriel Bengochea (IAFE)
Title: Observational issues in dark energy models
Date: Miercoles 01/06/11, 15:00hs; aula de seminarios del Depto. de Fisica.
Speaker: Gaston Giribet (CONICET)
Title: Luis Santalo y la teoria del campo unificado de Einstein
Date: Jueves 26/05/11, 14:00hs; aula a confirmar.
Note: Coloquio del Depto. de Fisica FCEN-UBA en homenaje al Prof. Luis Santalo.
Speaker: Gaston Giribet (CONICET)
Title: El espacio-tiempo y los agujeros negros
Date: Sabado 07/05/11, desde las 16:00hs. Ciudad Cultural Konex.
Note: Charla del evento TEDx Joven de TEDx Rio de La Plata, a realizarse en Konex, Buenos Aires.
Speaker: Jose Edelstein (USC, Spain)
Title: Quantum gravity, black holes, and holography V: More on holographic principle and AdS/CFT correspondence
Date: Jueves 28/04/11, Aula de Seminarios del DF, 14:00hs
Note: Jose Edelstein is giving this lecture as part of the String Theory course delivered by Carmen Nunez at UBA.
Speaker: Jose Edelstein (USC, Spain)
Title: Quantum gravity, black holes, and holography IV: Lovelock black holes and holography
Date: Miercoles 27/04/11, Aula de Seminarios del DF, 15:00hs
Note: Jose Edelstein is invited to deliver this lecture as visiting professor of UBA.
Speaker: Jose Edelstein (USC, Spain)
Title: Quantum gravity, black holes, and holography III: Black holes thermodynamics and holographic principle
Date: Martes 26/04/11, Aula de Seminarios del DF, 13:00hs
Note: Jose Edelstein is giving this lecture as part of the String Theory course delivered by Carmen Nunez at UBA.
Speaker: Jose Edelstein (USC, Spain)
Title: Quantum gravity, black holes, and holography II: Higher-curvature black hole and Lovelock black holes
Date: Lunes 25/04/11, Aula a confirmar (acaso la de Seminarios o la Pecera II), 15:00hs
Note: Jose Edelstein is invited to deliver this lecture as visiting professor of UBA.
Speaker: Jose Edelstein (USC, Spain)
Title: Quantum gravity, black holes, and holography I: Introduction to Lovelock theory and its black holes
Date: Miercoles 20/04/11, Aula de Seminarios del DF, 15:00hs
Note: Jose Edelstein is invited to deliver this lecture as visiting professor of UBA.
Speaker: Alex Giacomini (UACh, Valdivia)
Title: BTZ-like black holes in even dimensional Lovelock theories
Date: Lunes 18/04/11, Aula del IAFE, 14:00hs
Note: See arXiv:1005.0091
Speaker: Jose Edelstein (USC, Spain)
Title: Lovelock gravities and holography
Date: Lunes 18/04/11, Aula del IAFE, 15:30hs
Note: Being part of the XLVI meeting of the string@ar network, held at IAFE.
Speaker: Gaston Giribet (UBA - CONICET)
Title: The Alday-Gaiotto-Tachikawa conjecture
Date: Lunes 18/04/11, Aulta del IAFE, 11:30hs
Note: Being part of the XLVI meeting of the string@ar network, held at IAFE.
Speaker: Lucas Sourrouille (FCEN-UBA)
Title: Novel soliton solution in a Chern-Simons-CP1 model: a nonlocal effect
Date: Viernes 08/04/11, Pecera II
Note: An informal talk on a work in progress.
Speaker: Francisco Correa (CECS, Valdivia)
Title:  Solitons and the microscopic entropy of 3D hairy black holes
Date: Miercoles 06/04/11, 15hs, Pecera II
Note: See arXiv:1010.1259
Speaker: Matias Leoni (Milan)
Title: From correlators to Wilson-Loops in Chern-Simons matter theories
Date: 01/04/11, 15hs, Pecera II
Note: Please, notice that this seminar is on Friday!
Speaker: Juan Pablo Babaro (FCEN-UBA)
Title: A family of non-rational CFTs on the torus: The path integral approach
Date: 17/03/11, 15hs, Aula de Seminarios DF.
Note: On a work in progress.
Speaker: Marc Henneaux (ULB and Solvay Inst., Belgium)
Title:  Asymptotic structure of three-dimensional anti-de Sitter gravity
Date: 09/03/11, 11hs, Aula del IAFE
Note: This talk is organic part of the strings@ar network meeting held on March 9th.
Speaker: Osvaldo Santillan (Math. Dept. UBA y Conicet)
Title:  Simple examples of the DV (Dijkgraaf-Vafa) realization of the AGT conjecture<
Date: 09/03/11, 13:30hs, Aula del IAFE
Note: This talk is organic part of the strings@ar n$ held on March 9th.
Speaker: Daniel Sudarsky (UNAM, Mexico)
Title:  Spontaneous symmetry breaking: Myths and reality
Date: 24/02/11, 15:00hs, Pecera II
Note: See arXiv:0811.3181.
Speaker: Glenn Barnich (ULB, Bruxelles, Belgium)
Title:  Asymptotic symmetries from the point of view of Lie algebroids
Date: 10/02/11, 15:00hs, Pecera II
Note: As part of the MINCyT-FNRS cooperation program.
Speaker: Gaston Giribet (IFIBA, Conicet)
Title:  On massive gravity in de-Sitter space
Date: 03/02/11, 15:00hs, Pecera II
Note: On a work in progress.
Seminars in 2010
Speaker: Leo Amarilla (Depto. Fisica, FCEN-UBA y Conicet)
Title:  Primakoff effect and theories of modified gravity
Date: 16/12/10, 15:30hs, Pecera II
Note: On how to improve substantially observational bounds on theories of modified gravity.
Speaker: Osvaldo Santillan (Depto. Mat., FCEN-UBA y Conicet)
Title:  AGT a la Dijkgraaf-Vafa
Date: 09/12/10, Pecera II
Note: On the ideas appearing in arXiv:0909.2453
Speaker: Mauricio Leston (IAFE, Conicet)
Title:  Untidiness, ambiguity, and inconsistency behind the infinities in QFT
Date: 04/11/10, Pecera II
Note: Group meeting.
Speaker: Lorena Nicolas (IAFE)
Title:  Dualities in non-rational conformal field theories and its applications to string theory
Date: 28/10/10, Aula de Seminarios, DF-FCEN-UBA.
Note: Se trata de la tesis doctoral de Lorena.
Speaker: Andrea Del Valle (Depto. Fisica, FCEN-UBA)
Title:  On gravity duals for Lifshitz points
Date: 23/09/10, Pecera II
Note: Group meeting; journal club on arXiv:0808.1725
Speaker: Leandro Lombardi (Depto. Matematica, FCEN-UBA)
Title:  More on mathematical aspects of conformal field theory
Date: 16/09/10, Pecera II
Note: Group meeting.
Speaker: Lorena Nicolas (IAFE)
Title:  Dualities between non-rational conformal field theories and applications
Date: 09/09/10, Pecera II
Note: Group meeting.
Speaker: Leonardo Amarilla (Conicet y UBA)
Title:  The holographic principle in AdS space
Date: 02/09/10, Pecera II
Note: Group meeting.
Speaker: Gaston Giribet (Conicet)
Title:  The AGT conjecture for SU(2) with Nf=4 flavors
Date: 26/08/10, Pecera I
Note: Group meeting.
Speaker: Matias Leoni (Milan, Italy)
Title:  Magnon dispersion relation in AdS4/CFT3
Date: 20/08/10, Aula de seminarios, DF-FCEN-UBA
Note: Part of the XLII meeting of the string@ar network.
Speaker: Andres Goya (FCEN-UBA)
Title:  On Witten prescription of AdS/CFT
Date: 19/08/10, Pecera II
Nota: Group meeting (introductory talk).
Speaker: Mauricio Leston (IAFE)
Title:  On conserved charges V: Conserved charges associated to asymptotic symmetries and the AdS example
Date: 20/05/10, Aula a confirmar
Nota: Grupo de trabajo.
Speaker: Mauricio Leston (IAFE)
Title:  On conserved charges IV: More on reducibility parameters (y todas esas cosas)
Date: 03/06/10, Aula a confirmar
Nota: Grupo de trabajo.
Speaker: Leandro Lombardi (Depto de Matematica, FCEN-UBA)
Title:  Leandro's epiphany on Segal's formulation and vertex algebras :)
Date: 19/05/10, Aula a confirmar
Nota: Grupo de trabajo.
Speaker: Sergio Yuhjtman (Depto de Matematica, FCEN-UBA)
Title:  On Wightman axioms II: Yuhjtman's concert on Dirac equation
Date: 17/05/10, Aula a confirmar
Nota: Grupo de trabajo.
Speaker: Mauricio Leston (IAFE)
Title:  On conserved charges III: Monodromy operator
Date: 13/05/10, Aula a confirmar
Nota: Grupo de trabajo.
Speaker: Osvaldo Santillan (Depto. Matematica, FCEN-UBA)
Title:  Two-Dimensional Gravity and Intersection Theory on Moduli Space
Date: 12/05/10, Aula a confirmar, Depto. de Fisica UBA (14hs)
Nota: Basado en el paper clasico de Ed. Witten sobre el tema.
Speaker: Sergio Yuhjtman (Depto de Matematica, FCEN-UBA)
Title:  On Wightman axioms I: Towards an interacting theory
Date: 07/05/10, Aula a confirmar
Nota: Grupo de trabajo.
Speaker: Mauricio Leston (IAFE)
Title:  On conserved charges II: More on jet space
Date: 05/05/10, Aula a confirmar
Nota: Grupo de trabajo.
Speaker: Mauricio Leston (IAFE)
Title:  On conserved charges I: Jet space
Date: 28/04/10, Aula a confirmar
Nota: Grupo de trabajo.
Speaker: Gaston Giribet (FCEN-UBA)
Title:  La conjetura de Maldacena en el plano
Date: 15/04/10, Aula Federman, Depto. de Fisica UBA (14hs)
Nota: Se trata, en realidad, del Coloquio del Departamento de Fisica de la FCEN.
Speaker: Leandro Lombardi (Depto. Matematica, FCEN-UBA)
Title:  On Segal's definition of a CFT III
Date: 29/03/10, Aula a confirmar
Nota: Grupo de trabajo.
Speaker: Carla Bonifazi (Rio de Janeiro)
Title:  El Observatorio Pierre Auger: Donde estamos y hacia donde vamos
Date: 15/03/10, Aula de Seminarios, Depto. de Fisica UBA (14hs)
Nota: Se tratara de un coloquio sobre las investigaciones y resultados del proyecto Auger.
Speaker: Leandro Lombardi (Depto. Matematica, FCEN-UBA)
Title:  On Segal's definition of a CFT II
Date: 15/03/10, Aula a confirmar
Nota: Grupo de trabajo.
Speaker: Leandro Lombardi (Depto. Matematica, FCEN-UBA)
Title:  On Segal's definition of a CFT I
Date: 02/03/10, Aula a confirmar
Nota: Grupo de trabajo.
Speaker: Alex Giacomini (UACh)
Title:  Kaluza-Klein theory in the limit of large number of extra dimensions
Date: Viernes 05/03/10, Aula de Seminarios, Depto. de Fisica UBA, 14 hs
Nota: Seria en el marco del encuentro numero XL de la red strings@ar.
Speaker: Gaston Giribet (UBA)
Title:  Liouville Theory, Strings, and Gauge Theory
Date: Viernes 05/03/10, Aula de Seminarios, Depto. de Fisica UBA, 11:30 hs
Nota: Seria en el marco del encuentro numero XL de la red strings@ar.
Speaker: Cecilia Garraffo (Brandeis and IAFE)
Title:  Black Holes and Gravitational Solitons in Higher-Curvature Theories of Gravity
Date: Jueves 04/03/10, Aula Federman, 1er piso, Pabellon 1, FCEN-UBA (14hs)
Nota: Se trata de la defensa de la tesis doctoral de Cecilia.
Speaker: Lorena Nicolas (IAFE)
Title:  Introduction to Liouville field theory
Date: Viernes 25/02/10, Aula del IAFE (15hs)
Nota: Seria una introduccion a la Teoria de Liouville para poder avanzar sobre el estudio de AGT.
Speaker: Gaston Giribet (UBA)
Title:  On Alday-Gaiotto-Tachikawa conjecture
Date: Jueves 11/02/10, aula de seminarios, Depto. de Fisica (15hs)08
Nota: Seria una introduccion a arXiv:0906.3219
Seminarios en 2009
Speaker:  Juan Pablo Babaro (CNEA)
Title: Some D-branes in non-rational conformal field theories
Date: 22/12/09, Aula Federman, Depto de Fisica (14hs)
Speaker: Juan Pablo Babaro (CNEA)
Title:  On Zamolodchikov's c-theorem
Date: Miercoles 05/08/09, Aula de Seminarios del Depto de Fisica (14hs)
Nota: Esta semana el seminario sera un miercoles!
Speaker: Lorena Nicolas (IAFE y UBA)
Title:  Some dualities between non-rational conformal field theories
Date: Martes 21/07/09. Pecera del Depto de Fisica (14hs)
Nota: Basado en arXiv:0805.1254.
Speaker: Leonardo Amarilla (UNLP & UBA)
Title:  On spinning black holes
Date: Martes 28/07/09 (14hs)
Speaker: Mauricio Leston (IAFE)
Title:  On spacetime causal structure II
Date: 07/09, Aula chiquita del IAFE
Nota: Grupo de trabajo.
Speaker: Mauricio Leston (IAFE)
Title:  On spacetime causal structure I
Date: 07/09, Aula chiquita del IAFE
Nota: Grupo de trabajo.
Speaker: Leandro Vendramin (Depto. de Matematica, FCEN-UBA)
Title:  La ecuacion de Yang-Baxter
Date: Martes 23/06/09 (14hs)
Speaker: Jorge Russo (UB, Barcelona)
Title:  On the Thermodynamics of Moving Bodies
Date: Martes 16/06/09 (14hs) Aula de Seminarios, Depto. de Fisica.
Nota: Basado en arXiv:0904.4628, in coll. with P. Townsend.
Speaker: Ernesto Eiroa (IAFE - CONICET)
Title:  Gravitational lensing by black holes
Date: Martes 02/06/09 (14hs)
Speaker: Leonardo Amarilla (CONICET, UNLP y UBA)
Title:  On Jackiw-Pi Theory of Gravity
Date: Jueves 28/05/09 (14hs)
Nota: Se tratar de una introduccion a la "Chern-Simons modified gravity" de Jackiw y Pi.
Speaker: Hideki Maeda (CECS)
Title:  Dynamical Black Holes in Einstein-Gauss-Bonnet Theory
Date: Viernes 24/04/09 (14hs)
Nota: El seminario de Hideki San se enmarca en uno de los encuentros de la red strings@ar.
Speaker: Hideki Maeda (CECS)
Title:  Dynamical Wormholes Revisited
Date: Miercoles 22/04/09 (14hs)
Nota: Hideki nos visitara la semana del 21 de abril.
Speaker: Gaston Giribet (UBA)
Title:  Topologically massive gravity in AdS_3 and the chiral gravity conjecture
Date: Martes 17/02/09 (14hs, Aula "pecera" del Depto. de Fisica FCEN-UBA)
Nota: Se trataria de un resumen de la charla del Workgroup de 3D gravity de la CERN Winter School, Feb. 2009
Seminarios en 2008
Speaker: Alejandro Satz (Univ. of Nottingham, UK)
Title:  Limite semiclasico del calculo de Regge con estados de borde
Date: Martes 18/11/08 (14hs, Aula de Seminarios, Depto. de Fisica FCEN-UBA)
Nota: Invitado por Diego Mazzitelli
Speaker: Gaston Giribet (UBA)
Title:  Constantes fundamentales y teoria de cuerdas
Date: Jueves 20/11/08 (11hs, Salon Meridiano, Observatorio UNLP, La Plata
Speaker: Marcelo Botta Cantcheff (IFLP & UNLP)
Title:  Einstein-Cartan formulation of Chern-Simons Lorentz-violating Gravity
Date: Martes 11/11/08 (14hs, Aula de Seminarios, Depto. de Fisica FCEN-UBA)
Speaker: Nico Grandi (IFLP & UNLP)
Title: AdS/CFT cerca del laboratorio: Aplicacion a sistemas de materia condensada
Date: Martes 04/11/08 (14hs, Aula de Seminarios, Depto. de Fisica FCEN-UBA)
Speaker: Pablo Fernandez (UBA & UNLP)
Title:  Sobre decaimientos de vac??os metaestables
Date: Martes 28/10/08 (14hs, Aula de Seminarios, Depto. de Fisica FCEN-UBA)
Speaker: Gaston Giribet (UBA)
Title:  La conjetura de Maldacena mas alla del limite de supergravedad
Date: 17/09/08 (10:30hs, Pabellon 1, Depto. Fisica, FCEN-UBA)
Note: Charla de la Division de Fisica de Particulas de la AFA-SUF 2008
Speaker: Ricardo Troncoso (CECS, Chile)
Title:  General Relativity with small cosmological constant and nonabelian fields
from compactification of Lovelock theory in pure vacuum
Date: 10/09/08 (12:10hs, IAFE)
Note: Charla en el marco de la reunion de String@ar de setiembre de 2008
Speaker: Julio Oliva-Zapata (CECS, Chile)
Title:  Rotating solutions in higher dimensional gravity
Date: 10/09/08 (10:50hs, IAFE)
Note: Charla en el marco de la reunion de String@ar de setiembre de 2008
Speaker: Fabrizio Canfora (CECS, Chile)
Title:  Kallen-Lhemann approach to 3D Ising model
Date: 10/09/08 (15:50hs, IAFE)
Note: Charla en el marco de la reunion de String@ar de setiembre de 2008
Speaker: Gaston Giribet (UBA)
Title:  Chiral gravity is not chiral and unitary
Date: 10/09/08 (10:00hs, IAFE)
Note: Charla en el marco de la reunion de String@ar de setiembre de 2008
Speaker: Yerko Vasquez (PUCV, Chile)
Title:  Effective equations on brane world with induced gravity
Date: 02/09/08 (14hs IAFE)
Speaker: Jeronimo Peralta Ramos (UBA)
Title:  Sobre teoria de campos fuera del equilibrio
Date: 19/08/08 (14hs IAFE)
Speaker: Daniel Sudarsky (UNAM, Mexico)
Title: El origen cuantico de las inhomogeneidades y anisotropias cosmologicas
Date: 29/07/08 (14hs IAFE)
Speaker: Gaston Giribet (UBA)
Title: Topological Massive Gravity and Chiral Gravity
Date: 08/07/08 (14hs Aula Seminarios, Depto. de Fisica)
Speaker: Alan Garbarz (UBA)
Title: Agujeros negros en 2-branas asintoticamente AdS_3
Date: 01/07/08 (14hs IAFE)
Speaker: Mario Diaz (Univ. Texas at Brownsville)
Title: Astronomia de ondas gravitacionales
Date: 03/06/08 (14hs IAFE)
Speaker: Gaston Giribet (UBA)
Title:  El espacio-tiempo y los agujeros negros
Date: 29/05/08 (14hs Federman, DF, UBA)
Nota: Se trata del Coloquio del Depto. de F??sica
Speaker: Carlos Lousto (CCRG, Rochester, NY)
Title:  Simulaciones en supercomputadoras de las ultimas
Orbitas de agujeros negros astrofisicos
Date: 27/05/08 (14hs IAFE)
Speaker: Alex Giacomini (CECS)
Title: Black holes, parallelizable horizons and half-BPS states for the
Einstein-Gauss-Bonnet theory in five dimensions
Date: 22/05/08 (14hs IAFE)
Speaker: Cesar Fosco (IB)
Title: Fermiones en backgrounds singulares
Date: 06/05/08 (14h DF-UBA)
Nota: Invitado por Diego Mazzitelli
Speaker: Gaston Giribet (UBA)
Title: Correcciones ultravioletas a la accion de Einstein
Date: 29/04/08
Speaker: Lorena Nicolas (IAFE)
Title: Introduccion a la teoria de campos de Liouville
Date: 1/04/08
Speaker: Mauricio Leston (IAFE)
Title: Simetrias infinito-dimensionales en teorias de gravedad y supergravedad
Date: 18/03/08
Nota: Defensa de tesis doctoral
Speaker: Fabrizio Canfora (CECS)
Title: Minimal Duality Breaking and 3D Ising Model
Date: 14/03/08

Seminarios en 2007

Speaker: Alan Garbarz (UBA)
Title: Comparacion de la polarizacion del vacio en torno a estrellas y agujeros negros
Date: 18/12/07
Nota: Defensa de tesis de licenciatura
Speaker: Marco Farinati (UBA)
Title: La caracteristica de Euler y el teorema de Gauss-Bonnet
Date: 11/12/07
Speaker: Nicolas Grandi (UNLP)
Title: Compactons and thick branes
Date: 28/11/07
Speaker: Mauricio Sturla (UNLP)
Title: Gauge/gravity duality and non-critical string theory, a way leading to QCD?
Date: 21/11/07
Speaker: Hideki Maeda (CECS & Int. C. Univ. Tokyo)
Title: Dynamical black holes in Einstein-Gauss-Bonnet gravity
Date: 14/11/07
Speaker: Steve Willison (CECS)
Title: A thin shell model of a phase boundary in a neutron star
Date: 29/10/07
Speaker: Francisco Diego Mazzitelli (UBA)
Title: Calculando la energia del vacio:  ?como y para que?
Date: 16/10/07
Speaker: Carlos Schat (UBA)
Title: Bariones excitados en la expansion 1/N de QCD
Date: 2/10/07
Speaker: Matias Leoni (UBA)
Title: Un nuevo modelo dual para la teoria de cuerdas en un agujero negro
Date: 28/09/07
Nota: Defensa de tesis de licenciatura
Speaker: Norma Quiroz (CEFIMAS)
Title: Amplitudes de dispersion de cuerdas a altas energias
Date: 11/09/07
Speaker: Leandro Cieri (UBA)
Title: Efecto Witten en teoria de campos sobre espacios no-conmutativos
Date: 04/09/07
Speaker: Osvaldo Santillan (CONICET)
Title: Aspectos de simetria espejo para espacios G_2
Date: 28/08/07
Speaker: Cecilia Garraffo (IAFE)
Title: Soluciones de wormholes en vacio en cinco dimensiones
Date: 14/08/07
Speaker: Gaston Giribet (UBA)
Title: Aspectos sobre la gravedad en 2+1 dimensiones
Date: 31/07/07
Speaker: Franco Fiorini (IAFE)
Title: Una teoria de gravedad alla Born-Infeld en la formulacion de Weitzenbock
Date: 17/07/07
Speaker: Gabriel Bengochea (IAFE)
Title: Introduccion a la gravedad f(R)
Date: 10/07/07
Speaker: Matias Leoni (UBA)
Title: Sobre la teoria de Liouville y otras teorias conformes relacionadas
Date: 03/07/07
Speaker: Cecilia Garraffo (IAFE)
Title: Mecanismo atractor y funcion de entropia en agujeros negros extremales
Date: 26/06/07
Speaker: Leonardo Amarilla (UBA)
Title: Modelo de mundo-brana y variacion de la constante de Newton
Date: 19/06/07
Seminarios en 2006 y en 2005
Speaker: Sara Farese (CECS y Univ. de Valencia)
Title: Regularity of the stress-tensor for extremal Reissner-Nordstrom black holes
Date: 08/12/06
Speaker: Andres Anabalon (CECS)
Title: The universe as a topological defect
Date: 08/12/06
Speaker: Julio Oliva-Zapata (CECS)
Title: Wormholes en teorias de gravedad de Lovelock
Date: 08/12/06
Speaker: Rodrigo Aros (Univ. Andres Bello)
Title: Sobre gravedad en tres dimensiones con torsion
Date:   /03/06
Speaker: Julio Oliva-Zapata (CECS y Univ. de Concepcion)
Title: Soluciones de cuerda negra para teorias de Lovelock sintonizadas y su termodinamica
Date: 24/11/05
Speaker: Ricardo Troncoso (CECS)
Title: Aspectos de teorias de campos en el espacio de Anti-de Sitter
Date: 24/11/05
Speaker: Gaston Giribet (UBA)
Title: Hawking's recent paper on information loss
Date: 08/05

