Seminario: Ultrafast optics con Ursula Keller
- 2025-03-10 10:00 |
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![]() | Main Teaching AssistantCONICET ResearcherThis email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.Personal web pageComplex Systems Dynamics Group |
My current research interests focus on computational statistics and stochastic modeling at different scales:
Molecular scale: Implementation and development of new techniques of statistical analysis and molecular information modeling in order to generate novel and useful tools for the synthesis of compounds with high probability of relevant biological activity. This project involves the use of data analysis techniques (multivariate statistics, data mining, machine learning and data science) to study and characterize large databases consisting of physical, chemical and topological descriptors of compounds and to explore relationships, correlations and dependences between structures, properties and biological activities of the compounds. Collaboration with Javier Ramirez, Pau Arroyo Mañez and Victoria Richmond (UMYMFOR, Department of Organic Chemistry, FCEyN, UBA).
Population scale: Stochastic modeling of dynamical systems applied to population dynamics and epidemiology: development of mathematical models of vector borne-diseases of national and international sanitary importance. I have been studying vector-pathogen-host systems from an integral and interdisciplinary point of view, incorporating in the models not only the life cycle of vectors and hosts, but also those environmental factors and variables that affect them, in order to develop guidance, prevention and control tools, with application in human, veterinary and agricultural health. I have been modeling the spatio-temporal dynamics of disease vectors such as Aedes aegypti, Dalbulus maidis and Peregrinus maidis, and the spatio-temporal dynamics of some of the diseases they transmit such as Dengue and Yellow Fever (human diseases transmitted by the mosquito Aedes aegypti) and Corn Stunt Spiroplasma (Maize disease transmitted by the leafhopper Dalbulus maidis). Collaboration with H. G. Solari (IFIBA-DF, FCEyN, UBA), M. Giménez Pecci (INTA-Córdoba) and M. Natiello (Lund University, Sweden).
“Beyond Pseudo?natural Products: Sequential Ugi/Pictet?Spengler Reactions Leading to Steroidal Pyrazinoisoquinolines That Trigger Caspase?Independent Death in HepG2 Cells”. Alonso, F., Galilea, A., Mañez, P. A., Acebedo, S. L., Cabrera, G. M., Otero, M., Barquero Andrea, Ramírez, J. A. ChemMedChem 2021, 16(12), 1945-1955.
“Tracing Molecular Properties Throughout Evolution: A Chemoinformatic Approach”. Otero, M., Sarno, S., Acebedo, S.L., Ramirez, J. A. Journal of Theoretical Biology 2021, 110601.
“Stochastic population model of Zea mays L.” Barriga Rubio, R.H., Solari, H.G., & Otero, M. Mathematical biosciences 2019, 312, 88-96.
“Multinomial approximation to the Kolmogorov Forward Equation for jump (population) processes”. Natiello, M. A., Barriga, R. H., Otero, M., & Solari, H. G. Cogent Mathematics & Statistics 2018, 5(1), 1556192.
“Comparison of two detailed models of Aedes aegypti population dynamics”. M. Legros, M. Otero, V. Romeo Aznar, H. Solari, F. Gould, A. L. Lloyd. “Ecosphere” 2016, 7(10):e01515. 10.1002/ecs2.1515.
“Modelling dengue epidemic spreading with human mobility”. D. Barmak, C. Dorso, M. Otero. “Physica A” 2016, 447, pp: 129-140.
“Effects of Larval Density and Habitat Drying on Developmental Success of Ochlerotatus albifasciatus (Diptera: Culicidae) in Urban Rain Pools: Evidence from Field and Experimental Studies” S. Fischer, V. Sy, R. Campos, M. Otero. “Journal of Medical Entomology”. 2014, 51 (6), pp: 1175-1181.
“Modelling interventions during a dengue outbreak”. D. Barmak, C. Dorso, M. Otero, H. Solari. “Epidemiology & Infection”. 2014, 142, 545-561. Cambridge University Press. (On-line en Firstview desde 06/2013). DOI:
“Effects of thermal heterogeneity and egg mortality on differences in the population dynamics of Aedes aegypti (Diptera: Culicidae) over short distances in temperate Argentina”. M. S. De Majo, S. Fischer, M. Otero y N. Schweigmann. “Journal of Medical Entomology” 2013, 50 (3), 543-551. DOI:
“A mathematically assisted reconstruction of the initial focus of the yellow fever outbreak in Buenos Aires (1871)”. M. L: Fernández, M. Otero, N. Schweigmann y H. Solari. “Papers in Physics” 2013, 5, 050002, 1-25. DOI:
“Modeling the complex hatching and development of Aedes aegypti in temperate climates”. V. Romeo Aznar, M. Otero, M. S. De Majo, S. Fischer y H. Solari. “Ecological Modelling” 2013, 253, pp: 44-55. Elsevier, Amsterdam, Países Bajos. DOI:
“Modeling Dengue Outbreaks”. M. Otero, D. Barmak, C. Dorso, H. Solari y M. Natiello. “Mathematical Biosciences” 2011, 232, 87-95. Elsevier, Amsterdam, Países Bajos.
“Dengue Epidemics and Human mobility”. D. Barmak, C. Dorso, M. Otero, H. Solari. “Physical Review E” 2011, 84, 011901, 1-11. American Physical Society.
“Stochastic eco-epidemiological model of dengue disease transmission by Aedes aegypti mosquito”. M. Otero, H. G. Solari. “Mathematical Biosciences” 2010, 223 (1), 32-46. Disponible online desde el 19/10/2009.
“A stochastic spatial dynamical model for Aedes aegypti” M. Otero, N. Schweigmann y H. G. Solari. “Bulletin of Mathematical Biology” 2008, 70 (5), pp: 1297-1325. Springer Verlag. Berlin, Heidelberg.
"A stochastic population dynamics model for Aedes aegypti: formulation and application to a city with temperate climate" M. Otero, H. G. Solari and N. Schweigmann. “Bulletin of Mathematical Biology” 2006, 68 (8), pp: 1945-1974. Springer Verlag. Berlin, Heidelberg.
“Viscoelastic Characterization of Electrochemically Prepared Conducting Polymer Films by Impedance Analysis at Quartz Crystal. Study of the Surface Roughness Effect on the Effective Values of the Thickness and Viscoelastic Properties of the Coating”. A. Arnau, Y. Jiménez, R. Fernández, R. Torres, M. Otero and E. J. Calvo”. “Journal of The Electrochemical Society” 2006, 153 (7), pp: 455-466.
"Characterisation of self-assembled redox polymer and antibody molecules on thiolated gold electrodes" E. Calvo. C. Danilowicz, C. Lagier, J. Manrique, M. Otero. “Biosensors and Bioelectronics” 2004, 19 (10), pp: 1219-1228. Elsevier Science Ltd. The Netherlands.
"Study of atmospheric particulate matter in Buenos Aires city", H. Bogo, M. Otero, P. Castro, M. J. Ozafrán, A. Kreiner, E. J. Calvo, R. M. Negri. “Atmospheric Environment” 2003, 37 (8), pp: 1135-1147. Elsevier Science Ltd. The Netherlands.
"Gravimetric and viscoelastic changes during the oxidation-reduction of layer-by-layer self-assembled enzyme multilayers wired by an Os-containing poly(allylamine) polymer", E. J. Calvo, E. Forzani, M.Otero. “Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry” 2002 538-539C, pp: 231-241. Elsevier Science Ltd. The Netherlands.
"The structure of layer-by-layer self-assembled glucose oxidase and Os(bpy)2ClPyCH2NH-poly(allylamine) multilayers: ellipsometric and quartz crystal microbalance studies" E. Forzani, M. Otero, M. L. Teijelo, E. Calvo. “Langmuir” 2002, 18 (10), pp: 4020-4029. American Chemical Society, Columbus, OH, USA.
"Study of layer-by-layer self-assembled viscoelastic films on Thickness shear-mode resonator surfaces". E. Calvo, E. Forzani, M. Otero. “Analytical Chemistry” 2002, 74 (14), pp: 3281 - 3289. American Chemical Society, Columbus, OH, USA.
"Layer-by-layer electrostatic deposition of biomolecules on surface for molecular recognition, redox mediation and signal generation". E. Calvo, F. Battaglini, C. Danilowicz, A. Wolosiuk, M. Otero. “Faraday Discussion” 2000, 116, pp: 47–65. Royal Society of Chemistry, Cambridge, UK.
"An EQCM electroacoustic study of poly(vinylferrocene) modified electrodes in different aqueous electrolytes". C. Barbero, E. Calvo, R. Etchenique, G. Morales and M. Otero. Special issue of Electrochimica Acta " The QCM in Electrochemistry", “Electrochimica Acta“ 2000, 45 (22), pp: 3895 - 3906. Elsevier Science Ltd. The Netherlands.
"Systematic Error Analysis in the determination of physical parameters of the coating in AT Quartz Crystal Resonators Sensors". Y. Jiménez, T. Sogorb, A. Arnau, M. Otero y E. J. Calvo. 4th Acoustic Wave Sensor Workshop 2003. pp: 51-55. Domaine de Valaudran, Salbris, Francia. 23 - 26 Abril de 2003.
"Circuit for continuous motional series resonant frequency and motional resistance monitoring of quartz crystal resonators by parallel capacitance compensation" A. Arnau, T. Sogorb, Y. Jiménez, E. Calvo, M. Otero. Forum Acusticum Sevilla 2002, Sevilla, España, 17 al 20 de septiembre de 2002.
"Wiring efficiency in layer-by-layer (PAA-Os)n(GOx)n self-assembled glucose biosensors". E. J. Calvo, C. Danilowicz, A. Wolosiuk, M. Otero, E. Forzani, M. Lopez Teijelo. “Electrochemical Society Proceedings” 2001, 18, pp: 339 -347. Joint International Meeting of ISE and The Electrochemical Society. San Francisco, USA. 2 - 7 Septiembre de 2001.
"QCM Data Analysis and Interpretation" Y. Jiménez, M. Otero, A. Arnau. Chapter XIV in "Piezoelectric transducers and applications" 2nd Edition, pp: 331-398. Antonio Arnau (Editor). Springer Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2008. ISBN: 978-3-540-77507-2.
"Chemical Sensors" E. J. Calvo, M. Otero. Chapter IX in "Piezoelectric transducers and applications" 2nd Edition, pp: 241-257. Antonio Arnau (Editor). Springer Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2008. ISBN: 978-3-540-77507-2.
"Data Analysis and Interpretation in Bulk Acoustic Wave - Thickness Shear Mode Sensors" Y. Jiménez, M. Otero, A. Arnau. Chapter XVI in "Piezoelectric transducers and applications", pp: 255 – 286. Antonio Arnau (Editor). Springer Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2004. ISBN: 3-540-20998-0.
"Chemically Modified Electrodes with Integrated Biomolecules and Molecular Wires". E. J. Calvo, C. Danilowicz, E. Forzani, A. Wolosiuk, M. Otero. Comprehensive Analytical Chemistry. Volume 39: "Integrated Analytical Systems", Chapter VII, pp: 327 – 376. Salvador Alegrett (Editor), Elsevier, 2003. ISBN: 0-444-51037-0.
"Layered Protein Films: Quartz Crystal Resonator Frequency and Admittance Analysis" E. Calvo, C. Danilowicz, E. Forzani, A. Wolosiuk, M. Otero. Chapter VII in "Biomolecular films: Design, function and applications", pp: 337 - 380. Volumen 111, Surfactant Science Series. J. Rusling (Editor) Marcel Dekker, Inc. 2003. ISBN: 0-8247-0899-7.