

2do cuatrimestre, 2005:
Curso de Mecánica Estadística del Depto de Física de la UBA (Física Teórica 3)

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Refereed Publications:

  1. ¨Dynamics and thermodynamics of fragment emission from excited sources¨, M.J.Ison and C.O.Dorso, Physical Review C 71, 064603 (2005).

  2. ¨Dynamical aspects of isoscaling¨, C.O.Dorso, C.R.Escudero, M.J.Ison and J.A.Lopez, submitted to Physical Review C (2005).arxiv: nucl-th/0504036

  3. ¨Role of Coulomb interaction in fragmentation¨, M.J.Ison and C.O.Dorso, Physical Review C 69, 027001 (2004).

  4. ¨Enhancement of kinetic energy fluctuations due to expansion”, A.Chernomoretz, F.Gulminelli, M.J.Ison, and C.O.Dorso, Physical Review C 69, 034610 (2004).

  5. Caloric Curves in two and three-dimensional Lennard-Jones-like systems including Long-range forces”, M.J.Ison, A.Chernomoretz and C.O.Dorso, Physica A 341, 389-400 (2004)

  6. "Dynamical properties of constrained drops”, M.Ison, P.Balenzuela, A.Bonasera & C.O.Dorso, Eur.Jour.Phys.A 14, 451 (2002).

  7. ¨Nonequilibrium effects in fragmentation”, A. Chernomoretz, M. Ison, S. Ortiz and C. O. Dorso, Physical Review C 64, 024606 (2001).


  • Dynamics and thermodynamics of constrained systems”, M.J.Ison, P.Balenzuela, A.Bonasera and C.O.Dorso, CRIS 2002, 4th Catania Relativistic Ion Studies, AIP Conference Proceedings,644, 167 (2002).

  • Asymptotic distances in phase space for excited drops”, M.J.Ison, P.Balenzuela and C.O.Dorso, Proceedings of the IV Latin American Symposium on Nuclear Physics, pages 99-103, ISBN:9687845368, Printed in Mexico, 2001.